A stock index is a performance indicator or measure of a country's economy or of an industry sector. The Stock Index CFD, or CFD, provides investment opportunities through price changes in stocks or indices. The world's most popular index products include Nasdaq, S&P, Dow Jones, Nikkei, and German stock Index .
Clic here to check the Trading Specifications of Index CFDs at Acetop.
How to Trade
If you predict that prices will rise, you go long (buy) and close trades at a higher price to make a profit; alternatively if you assume prices will go down, you go short (sell) and buy the instruments back at a lower price to make a profit.
Profit / Loss = (Sell Price - Buy Price) x Contract Size x Trading Lots - Overnight Interest
*Overnight interest will be incurred for positions held overnight. Please refer to the platform for actual overnight interest.
*There are no commission charges at Acetop.
Go Long
If you buy 1 lot of SPX500 at 2700 and close trades within the same day at 2710, then the total profit will be USD500 = (2710-2700) x 50 x 1 - 0.
Go Short
If you sell 2 lots of SPX500 at 2700 and close trades within the same day at 2690, then the total profit will be USD1000 = (2700-2690) x 50 x 2 - 0.